What we do

@ The Soul Man Scotland

We offer a wide range of tea leaf readings, tarot readings, mediumship readings as well as Reiki, special offers and services from our visiting therapists!

Tea Leaf Readings

Tea leaf readings are a form of divination - what’s divination we hear you ask? 

Divination tends to be thought of as fortune telling. But for those who actually undertake divination, it’s a much different practice!

When performing divinations a reader is interpreting the hidden significance and knowledge presented to them in the tools they’ve chosen to use. A divination cannot offer fortune telling; we all have free will and can change our minds at any time. However, when a reader uncovers what the tea leaves, or other forms of divination, tells them, they see a snapshot in time for their sitter. What is happening right now for the sitter might include what might happen in the future. But remember - you have free will and choice over your future! Only you can determine your future, not tea leaves, cards, pendulums, runes…only you!

With tea leaves, our reader will explore what they see in the leaves. This could relate to anything happening in your life. What the reader is doing is using the tea leaves as a tool to give you insight into your life. It’s important to say that this does not always mean spirit comes through, especially if your reading is a short time (say 20 mins or less). So if you are looking to have a spirit connection then it is important to make sure you book for the right reading!

We offer at The Soul Man Scotland:

Basic Reading

In Depth Tea Leaf Reading

The Works - Tea Leaf & Tarot Bundle

Zoom In Depth Tea Leaf Reading

Reiki and a Reading

Tarot cards have a lot of confusion around them. It’s fair to say that most people do not know what they do and what they mean - and that’s ok! The most common tarot deck is the Rider Waite set and they have 78 cards! 

Tarot cards are generally split into two parts - the major arcana and the minor arcana. Arcana means secrets, so big secrets and little secrets! But don’t let that put you off because the tarot can only give you insight into your life and situations, helping you to gain clarity in your circumstances. Tarot cards are put into a formation of cards known as a ‘spread’. The position of each card in the spread gives an indication of what situation the card is referring to. Think of the common 3 card spread - Past, Present, Future. One card relates to the past, the next to the present, and the third card to the future. Again, it is really important to remember that you have free will and determine your own future. Tarot cards just show you what is happening now and any future indications are based on decisions made right now. You can always change your mind and have the future you choose!

And we don’t consider any tarot cards to be negative, all of them have an important message which can help you make positive decisions in your life!

We also have a blog on card readings HERE

Tarot Card Readings

We offer at The Soul Man Scotland:

Basic Reading

In Depth Tarot Celtic Cross Reading

Zoom In Depth Tarot Reading

Reiki and a Reading

Mediumship reading

In a nutshell, a mediumship reading is where a medium proves the existence of the human soul beyond reasonable doubt. We do this by providing evidence based information on the person's character, death, description of how they lived, looked etc.

We feel strongly that the responsibility of a medium is to be kind and compassionate. We come from a place of care, empathy and understanding. A medium should be providing evidence about your loved one who has passed. They are there to give you the connection of love from your loved ones and that's it. They won’t tell you about the new car someone is buying or the fact you have been feeling a little low etc. If they are telling you things about your life then that is psychic work! It’s important to remember that not all psychics are mediums but all mediums are psychic.

A medium should never give messages without your permission, this is removing your free will and a medium should only give information if you have specifically requested so and have set up the right environment to do so.

We offer at The Soul Man Scotland:

30 minute Mediumship Reading

Family Mediumship Reading

Zoom Mediumship Reading

Mediumship reading with Cosmic Claire

Other Therapies

What is Reiki?

~ Rei - Universal ~ Ki - life energy ~ 

Reiki is a form of spiritual energy that was rediscovered by Dr Mikao Usui in the early nineteenth century. Reiki is all about healing and energy, and can help with stress, anxiety and support you in living a healthy life. During a Reiki session, you take your shoes off and if comfortably doing so, you will lie down whilst your Reiki practitioner performs this wonderful energy healing.

What is an Angelic Reiki?

Angelic Reiki is a wonderful, nurturing and unique experience that is suitable for everyone. Natural healing energy from the Angelic Realm is channeled to bring about powerful healing to you, giving you a calming and empowering experience.

Similar to Reiki, you will lie down and relax whilst this special energy healing takes place.

What is an Aura reading?

Emotional, mental and spiritual levels form an energy field around the body known as the aura.

An Aura reading is a special service offered by John Seery at the end of each month. John will connect you up to an electrodermal monitor which will measure your energetic body. Giving you detailed report of how your energy affects you and what you can do to change it.

We offer at The Soul Man Scotland:


Angelic Reiki

Basic Aura Reading

Comprehensive Aura Reading